Friday 28 February 2014

Key Photograph No. 3

Just as the previous photos, the planned intention was to take multiple photos and to choose which one was the most suitable for the poster and DVD box.

The photos were taken in mid-long shots to show each characters appearance and their use in the film. They were taken with spaces to see the whole image and an opportunity to crop at whatever size.

I chose this photo out of the rest as the character's direction and angle is suitable for its adjustment with the other character images. The aim was to get each character to the right size and position.

The position/stance of the character also tells a bit about who they are and just like the previous photos, not performing an action and taking a lot of space matches the similarities of the characters.

The framing of this image was to centre the character by cropping out all the spaces to fit him with the other characters. I used common image adjustments like changing the brightness and contrast to darken the background. I used curves to spread the darks, creating shadows around the character's clothes and face giving a dark mood for each character and the match the atmosphere.

Having the character wear the white lab coat created issues on the forming of shadows. However, as the character would be behind another in the covers, I decided to darken it enough and left it like that.

The purpose of the photograph for the poster cover and DVD box cover was to show the characters, attempting to appeal and interest the viewers through what they hold and wear.

The photograph's contribution was to be part of the main image of the covers. This is to show the audience what the film contains.

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