Friday 28 February 2014

Key Photograph No. 2

My planned intention for this initial series of photographs is to choose from a range of different positions from each photos and to put each of the chosen ones together into one cover.

I chose to keep character photos to be centred for editing uses and a mid-long shot to show who each person is by what they are wearing.

I have chosen this photo from the others as the character is facing at an angle different from the previous character, forming a curved formation of the characters.

He was suitable for the covers as this stance didn't use too much space, which was my main aim for the characters.

I have cropped the image down to where the character has enough space and no blank space was left. The character photos are supposed to be centred to make it easier to adjust for the production of the final cover. Brightness, contrast and curves were again used to create the shadows and to darken the photo, matching the atmosphere of the cover.

The resolution was high and the lighting was enough for the face and parts of the clothes to be seen.

As the image contains a character, it contributed very well to the covers because they are the centre of attraction for the viewers.

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