Monday 3 March 2014

Key Photograph No. 5

My planned intention for this initial series of photographs is to choose the best image out of the variation to be included in the DVD box alone. The type of shot for this series is taken in 2/3 shot where 2 or more people are present on the scene.

I chose this photo because another person was added, taking away the negative space and giving more meaning to the photo. It was not present on the Poster due to one page but was very suitable for the DVD box as it gives viewers an idea of what the film contains, this having free running and parkour.

This photo was not edited as it was to show the actual colour and lighting taken in the film and we thought that it was good enough and does not need any other alterations. However, we framed the image with the rule of thirds and the main image to be slightly on the right to show the technique.

The screen resolution was high, the relativity of the scene to the film worked well and the natural lighting helped with the lesser use of editing to focus on other aspects of the covers.

The purpose of the photograph was to showcase themes in the film, interesting the viewers on what it contains. The photograph contributes well on the DVD box cover as it takes the main focus on the back cover of the film.

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