Monday 19 May 2014

Lawrence LO1 Blog Post 5 - Photographer Case Study 4

Dan Boulton is a documentarist on street photography and fine art. He was born in Enfield, North London in 1973. He studied in Fine Arts and his work  of skateboarding photography has been featured in Document Skateboard, Plus1 magazines and the book Emulsion Stew. He tends to think his work to be framed in galleries and printed in books, believing to be a fine art photographer himself. His dad gave him pointers on photography and he self taught himself on printing, cameras and its features.

He was interested in visual styles such as motor drives an fish eyes. His style of shooting is to capture the feeling of being in the moment. When he prints his photos, he prefers most of them to be black and white.
SouthBank series 34 of 53
black and white print

SouthBank series 33 of 53
black and white print

Southbank series 1 of 53
black and white print

His photos contain references from Cartier Bresson's black and white print. The subject of his photos include skateboarding, being his favourite since he was young. With the graffiti and the attire of the people and walls on his photos, this is relevant to his liking in street photography. Motion present on the first picture suggests his idea of being in the moment.

Where did you find interest in your visual style?